Volunteering can add a purpose to your life and give you the wonderful opportunity to serve others. You can make a valuable contribution to our community by becoming a volunteer.
Residential Living
Volunteers help directly or indirectly as people with disabilities develop their leisure skills and assists in completing projects. Activities with residents may include reading, games, walks, etc. Must be 14 years of age. You may select anytime to volunteer for as little to 30 minutes each time. Volunteers must remain under supervision of staff.
Bible Study & Peer Mentoring
We sing, laugh, and listen to a message about the Bible. There is small group discussion time where our volunteers guide a table of our residents in answering the questions given to them. We end with prayer requests, with our residents asking for prayer and another resident praying for them. It’s through all of these interactions and encouragements that our residents deepen their relationship with Jesus.
Treasure Chest
The Treasure Chest offers a variety of quality, clean, and gently used clothing for the whole family. Over 80 volunteers share the responsibilities of pricing and sorting donated merchandise, display and running the iPad register. All proceeds from the sale of items directly benefit those served at the Village.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many volunteer opportunities at Village Northwest Unlimited where we depend on volunteers to work with our staff to help enrich the lives of adults with disabilities and fulfill our mission to provide Purpose, Privacy, and Dignity for all people.
Interested in Volunteering?
If you are interested in volunteering at the Village, please download, complete, and return our volunteer application. If you have questions or want to learn more, please contact Averey, at 712-324-5412 or avereydh@villagenorthwest.org
Summer of Service

Students 6th-12th Grade - June through July 2023 (tailored to your schedule) - VNU Campus- Sheldon, IA
Opportunities include helping with sports, daily curriculum outings (field trips), arts/crafts, campus church services, and spending time with individuals served. All volunteers will be closely supervised by their designated "volunteer mentor".
You'll receive valuable experience in working with persons with disabilities, exploring careers and potential job opportunities, high school service hours, and stand out on college applications and scholarships.
Contact Averey for more information at avereydh@villagenorthwest.org or 712-324-5412.