We think the Village is a great place. Others do too. Read what they have to say.
What people are saying
I go to thirteen other agencies, and there is no comparison on the service (VNU) provides. It far exceeds what the others offer. I can't believe how much variety individuals are offered regarding work tasks and opportunities to work in the community. Belinda Micklesson, Case Manager
My sister (LaDel) called me last night and was so excited. She said, "I've never been fishing in my whole life and I caught a fish!!" Every time I talk to her she's so excited about something that happened, it just fills my heart with so much joy. To see her happy now and how much she has improved just fills me with joy! Thanks to all of you that provide such a wonderful place for people like LaDel. They can have a sense of purpose and actually enjoy life!!! What an awesome thing! LaDonna Way Guardian of LaDel, resident
Everyone at the Village has the same goal. They are all involved to matter what the area they work in, to fulfill the mission of providing purpose, privacy, and dignity for each person served. This allows relationships to form and build which helps to lead successful lives. We really appreciate the access to all of the administration and staff. We can stop in, call and talk to any person we want to. They allow us to be involved and feel like we matter. John and Gloria Swoyer, parents of Chris and Mary, VNU residents
To all at the Village: Thank you for who you are and what you stand for.May you continue to give purpose, privacy and dignity to all you serve. The Village has had a huge impact on our family and who we have become! Thank you for serving Wendy, challenging her and helping her live life with joy! Phil & Kathy Dykstra, parents of Wendy, former VNU resident
The day Cody moved to VNU was the single most important event in our lives. Cody felt right at home when he arrived, and now he has developed in almost all aspects of his life. What the Village provides for him is the essence of his life, and knowing that he is living in an environment that nurtures him and provides such exceptional care is everything we could possibly hope for. Jay and Melissa Decker, parents of Cody, VNU resident
After considering other options, we realized that VNU was by far the best choice to meet Scott's special needs. The employees are his family, role models and closest friends, and because of their commitment we've seen Scott's consistent growth in maturity, independence and relationships with others. We cannot imagine a better living situation for our son. We will always be grateful to the Village for providing the feelings of relief, satisfaction and joy that come when you see that your child is thriving. Dr. Mark and Susan Wheeler, parents of Scott, VNU resident
For those who live here and have loved ones here, the Village continues to be a place for the individuals served to develop their God-given skills, have opportunities for social involvement, and to give and receive love. The Village has been (and continues to be) a great fit for me. It is an extension of my family and I am so blessed by my interaction with those we serve. For anyone considering employment at VNU, I would offer these thoughts: "The Village is a place to experience an awesome sense of family- a great ever-expanding family- who can extend love to you and bring joy to you each day. It's a place to reciprocate that love and acceptance to others, resulting in mutual blessings. Judy Dykstra, Staff of 45 Years