Press Release – Governor Reynolds visits Village Northwest Unlimited
Village Northwest Unlimited (VNU) hosted Governor Kim Reynolds for a tour of the two new ICF-ID (Intermediate Care Facility-Intellectual Disabilities) homes built on the Village campus, which opened to residents in July. The Governor was welcomed onto the Village campus by staff and residents forming a welcoming party along Village Circle.
Governor Reynolds was instrumental this past year in securing funding increases for Medicaid programs in the 2021 legislative session and Village CEO, Barry Whitsell, praised Governor Reynolds for being a champion of people with disabilities. Whitsell said, “For the first time in my 17 years at the Village an Iowa governor included funding for people with disabilities in their budget proposal. Governor Reynolds made sure that legislators knew that dollars needed to be allocated so that agencies like VNU could continue to provide quality care to some of the most vulnerable people in our society. We are so appreciative of her efforts and leadership in advancing funding increases so that VNU can more fairly compensate our direct support professionals.”
While at VNU, Governor Reynolds toured the two new homes VNU built this past year which each provide a family environment for six residents and learned about how the workforce crisis is affecting direct support professionals (DSPs) and the ability of DSPs to continue to provide quality and comprehensive care to their residents.
Village Northwest Unlimited is nationally recognized as one of the premier providers of services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and autism spectrum disorder. VNU builds successful lives for 180 individuals by providing opportunities and choices in residential, vocational and social programs while fulfilling its mission of providing Purpose, Privacy and Dignity.
Barry Whitsell, President & CEO
Village Northwest Unlimited
330 Village Circle – Sheldon, IA 51201
712-324-5401 (office)