Bottom Dollar Diva, a retail store based out of Primghar, IA, has donated 300 dresses to Village Northwest Unlimited. The popular retail store has closed their doors. Owner, Chloe Gergen, said, “I would love to donate my prom dresses to the Village! Your residents have been my biggest supporters.” VNU resident have been shopping there for the great deals Chloe has on her dresses. The dresses are first to be sorted through by residents to see if any would like to be worn for the resident-based event in March of 2024. Brian Robyn, Director of Human Resources and Marketing said, “We are thrilled that Chloe and Brenda have gifted the inventory from their Bottom Dollar Diva Store to Village Northwest Unlimited and the Village Treasure Chest. The timing of this donation could not be better as we begin to make plans for the Shining on our Purpose event scheduled for March of 2024. This dinner and dance will be a great opportunity for the residents to get dressed up in formal, special occasion dresses and suits and enjoy an evening just for them. The dresses will provide a wonderful opportunity for individuals who receive services to have a selection of dress to choice from and match their particular style. What a great way for Chloe and Brenda to bless others.” The other portion, will be sold at VNU’s for-profit business, the Village Treasure Chest. Any profits made off the dresses bought at the Treasure Chest will go towards the cost of Shining on Our Purpose.
The Shining on Our Purpose Committee has been thinking of how they are going to provide attire for the 100+ individuals who receive services at VNU. Now, we are able to bring the dresses to the residents. Bringing the attire to the residents has immensely helped VNU. Village Northwest Unlimited has continued to fight the battle of being under staffed, while this is still a challenge, bringing 300 dresses to the campus has been a great solution. CEO, Barry Whitsell said, “We are thankful to Bottom Dollar Diva for donating 300 prom dresses to Village Northwest Unlimited. At VNU we are planning on having a prom like event for all the people we serve named, “Shining On Our Purpose” this coming Spring and our residents will now have a chance to “go shopping” from these donated dresses to pick out their own dress to wear to prom. What a great and gracious opportunity that Bottom Dollar Diva is providing to our residents. We are grateful to Chloe for her generosity.”