We had an AMAZING turnout with boxed food, canned food, fresh produce, garden leftovers and cash donations $$$ spent on other supplies for the animals. We were able to purchase 20 varieties of feed and mineral and salt blocks, all loaded with nutrients and vitamins. We also bought bedding to keep the little critters warm this winter.
When we arrived we were greeted by Lizzy and when she saw the pickup full of stuff we brought, she was SHOCKED!! Everyone helped to unload the donated goods. Lizzy thanked us over and over, telling us this is the BIGGEST donation of food they have ever received in an Animal Food Drive for Finny Mini Farm.
After unloading, we all got to feed the animals some of our garden produce donations. They LOVED it all, but the carrots were the favorite of the day.
We headed to the barn to see the smaller animals. We held and petted the bunnies and kitties. Lizzy told us the animals’ names and what happened to them and why they were brought to the farm.
Then we went to transfer all the big squash and pumpkins that we brought into a wagon. Justin G maneuvered the wagon around until we arrived at a large table where we could unload it. We had several buckets of apples that needed to be moved as well. Alex M, our laid back guy, started picking up whole bags of feed and was putting them away. Burt M (always the gentleman) assisted with unloading as well, but when he would come across lighter stuff he would give it to one of the ladies and then he would take the heavier stuff. Kaitlin M & Aaron A also joined us and were a great help carrying the big stuff.
Ruthann B enjoyed talking to the animals and they all seemed to talk back to her. She told them they should be thankful for all the great fresh produce we brought. She told Lizzy she knew they couldn’t really say thank you for the produce but if they could what would they say??? Lizzy proceeded to say thank you while neighing like a horse and baaaaing like a sheep. Everyone laughed and said “your wellllllcome” like a goat!
We spent the rest of our time feeding the other animals and petted and talked to them all. We had a GREAT day!
Lizzy posted pictures on the Finny Mini Facebook page so check it out for more pictures and her thoughts on the day.
So thank you to each one of you for everything you donated…whether it was stale pretzels or a box of pumpkins, fresh carrots, canned beans or $$ to purchase supplies.
The Finny Mini Farm Critters appreciated EVERY BIT of it!!